Flight Session Details

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30 Min Flight - $119

This is a fantastic gift idea for anyone wishing to get a taste of what it is like to fly a big jetliner. The session includes a briefing from the instructor covering the basic flight instruments and flight controls prior to take-off. All 30min flights put you at the controls and will include at least 1 take-off and landing and will also cover basic aircraft handling skills and some basic navigation skills.

60 Min Flight - $179

The 60 min session allows for a more in depth look at the aircraft and its systems. Following the briefing covering instrumentation & controls, there will be a more detailed look at the systems available to the pilots and procedures implemented prior to and during flight. You will be able to choose at least 2 flights, day or night, and various weather conditions. You can also include instrument approaches and engine failures.

90 Min Flight - $228

This is a session for the “Plane Crazy “ aviator. There will be a comprehensive coverage of all flight systems, navigation data and flight controls. Choose your airports from anywhere in the world, including any weather conditions and time of day. Different approach styles will be covered from Visual Approaches, Instrument Approaches (ILS) and more. The auto-pilot systems are also covered and you will be invited to manipulate the auto pilot for various flight stages, navigation and approach sectors.

120 Min Flight - $279

This session will cover all there is to know about flying the aircraft. Included in this session will be all instrumentation, auto pilot function and manipulation, engines, flaps, navigation and flight instrumentation, and flight management computers. Included will be simulated engine failures if desired, and an in depth look into factors and forces of flight and aircraft handling theory, just to mention a few. The world is your oyster and you can choose from 22,000 airports and almost any imaginable weather conditions and simulated time of day.

Jet Flight Simulator Newcastle
Jet Flight Simulator Newcastle
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